Implementing the NIATx Model of Process Improvement
The following NIATx tutorials will provide you all the information and tools necessary to successfully implement the NIATx Model of Process Improvement within your justice or community-based agency. Please use this course as a continuous resource for when you and your agency complete change projects. In addition, we will continue to update the JTEC with valuable podcasts, testimonials, and resources around NIATx, other coaching interventions & inter-organizational collaborations within justice settings.

- Download: 10 Steps for the NIATx Model of Process Improvement (PDF)
- Download: Change Project Charter Form - Interorganizational Collaboration (PDF)
- Download: Conducting a Walk-through (Word Document)
- Download: Flowcharting Example #1: Justice-Involved person receiving MAT within the jail (PDF)
- Download: Warm hand-off of a MAT referral from the jail to a community treatment provider (PDF)
- Download: Flowcharting Team Exercise (PDF)
- Download: Nominal Group Technique Team Exercise (PDF)
- Download: Measuring Change Check List (PDF)
- Download: PDSA Cycle Airplane Activity (PDF)
Course Content
Introduction to NIATx
Get Ready
Designing a Change Project
The 10 Steps of the NIATx Process