Referral to and engagement in SUD treatment within opioid intervention courts in New York: A qualitative study of implementation barriers and facilitators


People with OUD are frequently in contact with the court system and have markedly higher rates of fatal opioid overdose. Opioid intervention courts (OIC) were developed to address increasing rates of opioid overdose among court defendants by engaging court staff in identification of treatment need and referral for opioid-related services and building collaborations between the court and OUD treatment systems. This study identified key barriers and facilitators that OICs may consider as this model expands in the United States. Referral to and engagement in OUD treatment within the OIC context requires ongoing efforts to bridge the treatment and court systems, and reduce stigma around MOUD.

Associated JCOIN Study Title: Implementing an Opioid Court Model (031)

Publication Year: 2024

Lead Author: Megan A. O'Grady

Journal: Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy

Publication Type(s): Courts