Implementing an Opioid Court Model (031)

Study Information

The New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI)/Columbia University JCOIN Research Center is studying strategies to implement New York’s new opioid court model (OCM) in ten counties across the state. New York’s OCM was developed by the Unified Court System and provides practice guidelines for drug courts to reduce overdose, decrease recidivism, and improve service delivery and linkages to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) for justice-involved individuals across the state. The goal of the study is to develop, evaluate, and refine implementation strategies to support the OCM practice guidelines to be scaled up across New York.

Study Settings: Courts, Treatment/Healthcare Settings

Study Location: New York

Grant number:  UG1DA050071

Link to NIH Reporter record:

Study Team

PI: Milton Wainberg, Ned Nunes, Katherine Elkington, Ph.D.

Logo of New York State Psychiatric Institute and Logo of Columbia University

Study Aims

• Determine the implementation strategies that best facilitate scale-up of the new OCM

• Identify factors that facilitate/impede practice change

• Determine the effectiveness of the new opioid court model through the use of state administrative data to measure public health and public safety outcomes

• Estimate the cost effectiveness of the model

Research Type

Clinical Trial, State Policy Rollout