NADCP Publication: Medical Marijuana and Treatment Courts

The legalization of medical marijuana raises important questions for treatment courts. To what extent do treatment courts have the authority to restrict a participant’s use of medical marijuana? How should treatment courts supervise participants permitted to use medical marijuana? This new FAQ document explores the legal status of medical marijuana in the United States and the impact of medical marijuana legalization on treatment courts.

Questions covered by this publication include:

  • Marijuana is an illegal drug under federal law. So why is it an issue for treatment courts?
  • Can a treatment court prohibit a participant from using medical marijuana when it has been properly authorized by a doctor?
  • How should my treatment court supervise a participant
    prohibited from using medical marijuana?
  • How should my treatment court supervise a participant permitted to use medical marijuana?
  • Will accepting federal funds affect how my treatment court handles medical marijuana?
  • …and more!

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