New Aced It Episode: Pregnant, Post-partum, & Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)

In a follow up to episode 7 on pregnant people and MOUD the study we cover in episode 8 reports on the prevalence of OUD-related hospital use during the postpartum period. The researchers also assess how prenatal treatment for OUD is associated with postpartum OUD-related hospital use.

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JCOIN Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion – Join us in our mission to leverage differences, promote belonging, and create positive outcomes for all individuals with opioid use disorder who are involved in the carceral system.

Martin, C. E., Britton, E., Shadowen, H., Bachireddy, C., Harrell, A., Zhao, X., & Cunningham, P. (2023). Disparities in opioid use disorder–related hospital use among postpartum Virginia Medicaid members. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 208935.