MAT results from JCOIN National Jail Survey

In 2022, NORC at the University of Chicago, with funding from JCOIN’s Methodology and Advanced Analytics Resource Center, conducted a national survey of US jails to understand the availability of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and related services. The survey consisted of two “phases.” In Phase 1, a nationally representative sample of jails was surveyed, with the goal of generating national estimates with similar precision across the four Census regions. This survey gathered information about the characteristics of the jails and the availability of SUD screening, treatment services, medications for addiction treatment (MAT, primarily buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone), naloxone, and discharge planning practices. The Phase 2 survey gathered more detailed information about treatment practices from a subset of the Phase 1 respondents who had reported use of MAT. Analysis of these surveys is ongoing. This report provides a “first look” at the MAT data using weighted estimates from the Phase 1 survey.

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