Justice community opioid innovation network (JCOIN): The TCU research hub


This study will compare two implementation strategies, one vertical and one horizontal, to improve interagency collaboration between the criminal justice and community behavioral health sectors. The vertical strategy will train all units of the community simultaneously, while the horizontal strategy will initially train one unit as a prototype, and then help to train other units within the community. The goal of both strategies is to facilitate improved public health and safety outcomes for individuals reentering the community from the criminal justice system who are at risk for or have a history of using opioids. The results of this research will indicate which strategy is most effective in increasing uptake of practices, increasing linkage to services, and improving public health safety outcomes.

Publication Year: 2021

Lead Author: Danica Knight

Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

Publication Type(s): Protocol Paper

JCOIN Hub/Center: TCU Hub