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The JCOIN Training & Engagement Center (JTEC) is a free learning, skill building, and facilitation platform for justice and health practitioners and scholars.

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Stigma Course for State and Local Leaders: Addressing the Stigma around Substance Use Disorders
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.5 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.5 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)
MAT Course for State and Local Leaders
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.5 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.5 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.5 hour(s)
Research Partnerships Thumbnail 2
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 1.5 hour(s)
NDAA MOUD Course Title Graphic
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 1 hour(s)
NCSC MOUD Course Title Graphic
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.5 hour(s)