Examining the implementation of police-assisted referral programs for substance use disorder services in Massachusetts
This qualitative research study examined the implementation of police-assisted referral programs to connect individuals to substance use disorder services in Massachusetts between June 2019 and March 2020 through focus groups and interviews. Results suggest that programs vary significantly in their models of service delivery but identified five key themes within the programs: (1) development of programs was ongoing, (2) program implementation required partnerships between police departments and communities (3) leadership influenced priorities and facilitation (4) success of program was defined in multiple ways, and (5) the implementation of programs was associated with shifts in beliefs among police officers about substance use and addiction.
Associated JCOIN Study Title: Police-led Opioid Intervention Programs: A Qualitative Examination of Program Models and Participant Experiences (007)
Publication Year: 2021
Lead Author: Mari-Lynn Drainoni
Journal: International Journal of Drug Policy
Publication Type(s): Deflection/Diversion
JCOIN Hub/Center: Brown Univ. Hub