NIATx vs ECHO as Comparative Implementation Strategies (041)

Study Information

This trial will test two timely, successful evidence-based implementation practices, NIATx Coaching and Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO), to increase the use of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) with justice-involved populations. NIATx Coaches provide expertise in MOUD implementation and organizational change to help treatment organizations and staff start, sustain, and spread the use of MOUD. The ECHO platform connects primary care providers with expert MOUD prescribers to promote high-quality MOUD practices. This will be the first trial that assesses the comparative effectiveness of these approaches overall and in justice settings.

The trial will be conducted with a combination of 48 jails and community-based treatment provider organizations. Sites will be randomly assigned to one of four study arms, with 12 sites in each arm: High-Dose Coaching/ECHO, Low-Dose Coaching/ECHO, High-Dose Coaching/No ECHO, and Low-Dose Coaching/No ECHO. The intervention period will last 12-months, with an additional 12-months for sustainability.

Study Settings: Jails/Prisons, Treatment/Healthcare Settings

Study Locations: Hawaii, Maine, Virginia, Wisconsin

Grant number: U2CDA050097

Link to NIH Reporter record:

Study Team

PI: Todd Molfenter, Ph.D., Faye Taxman


Study Aims

• Increase percent of eligible justice-involved persons who are (1) initiated onto any MOUD (buprenorphine, extended-release injectable naltrexone, or methadone) and (2) engaged with MOUD use

• Increase percent of clinicians using MOUD

• Decrease recidivism rates

• Enhance Organizational readiness and climate for MOUD

• Evaluate sustainability and fidelity of interventions

Research Type

Implementation Strategies, Clinical Trial, Organizational Implementation