JCOIN Data Analysis Proposal

Use this form to request JCOIN data from the MAARC for a harmonized publication, scientific conference abstract, or presentation. All fields are required unless marked ‘optional’.


All manuscripts proposing to use harmonized data (i.e., data from multiple hubs/studies) must follow this process:

  • 1 Complete the Manuscript Registration Form on the JCOIN website
  • 2 The Publication and Dissemination Workgroup will review the proposal as per JCOIN policy, assign it an ID, and make it available to all JCOIN PIs to facilitate collaboration and avoid duplication.
  • 3 After PDWG review, complete the following JCOIN Data Analysis Proposal below. MAARC will contact the submitting author.

For assistance with this proposal form, please contact the MAARC.
To link this proposal to your Manuscript Registration Form, please enter the following information.

Data Analysis Proposal Form