Posts Tagged ‘Webinar’
Webinar: Prosecutor-led Diversion–Best Practices for People with Substance Use Disorder (1-28-2021)
Hosted by the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) in partnership with the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) Prosecutors play a pivotal role in connecting people with substance use disorders to community treatment and the expansion of innovative diversion programs nationwide. Prosector-led programs provide opportunities to reduce the demand on the justice system, prioritize treatment…
Read MoreWebinar: Reentry Best Practices for People with Opioid Use Disorder (12-16-2020)
As practitioners grapple with the increasing complexity of reentry into the community, the demands of services and coordination are particularly acute for individuals with opioid use disorders. Among this population, the risk of overdose death significantly increases during the first two weeks following release. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these challenges, with increased pressure…
Read MoreWebinar: JCOIN Rapid Innovation Grants (J-RIG) Call for Proposals – Cycle 2 (12-2-2020)
December 2, 2020: This webinar provided background information on the JCOIN Rapid Innovation Grant (J-RIG) program. Presenters explained the opportunity, eligibility, requirements, and application process. Learn more about the J-RIG Call for Proposals. Webinar slides (PDF) Watch the webinar
Read MoreJCOIN and Correctional Leaders Association (CLA) Webinar on Reentry Planning for People with Opioid Use Disorder (10-21-2020)
Webinar: Measuring and Operationalizing Recovery Capital (9-30-2020)
Webinar: Assessment Tools in Criminal Justice and Addiction Medicine: Bridging the Divide (9-30-2020)
On September 30, 2020, the JCOIN Steering Committee held a presentation and discussion focused on principles of the ASAM Criteria and Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR) model and ideas on how to integrate the two frameworks in justice settings to help inform decision making. Webinar slides (PDF) Watch the webinar
Read MoreWebinar: Measuring and Operationalizing Recovery Capital (9-30-2020)
On September 30, 2020, the JCOIN Steering Committee held a guest presentation and discussion with David Best, Ph.D, Professor of Criminology at the University of Derby, UK, and Chair of the Prison Research Network of the British Society of Criminology. Dr. Best has worked in practice, in research, and on addiction policy, and his research…
Read MoreWebinar: Standardized Measures in Research: Why? (6-30-2020)
June 30, 2020: Using common or standardized data collection measures is a key component of good science. This webinar will describe the nature and purpose of standardized measures and why they are important to implement in criminal justice and substance use studies. This webinar is appropriate for JCOIN related projects, including the JCOIN Rapid Innovation Grants…
Read MoreWebinar: JCOIN Rapid Innovation Grants (J-RIG) Call for Proposals (6-10-2020)
June 10, 2020: The JCOIN Rapid Innovation Grant (J-RIG) program is a rapid funding mechanism to support small research grants to study newly emerging policies, practices or interventions that address prevention and treatment of addiction in justice settings. While opioids are a key priority for J-RIG projects, applications may focus more broadly on other substance use…
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