Posts Tagged ‘JCOIN Speaker Series’
JCOIN Speaker Series: Deflection – Leveraging Police and First Responders to Create New Pathways to Treatment and Recovery (8-26-21)
JCOIN Speaker Series: Reentry Research – Mitigating the Risk during Reentry for People with Substance Use Disorders (6-24-2021)
The risk of overdose death significantly increases during the first two weeks during entry into the community. In this webinar, presenters will discuss the latest research, science, and innovation around mitigating risk during reentry for people with opioid use disorders. Topics covered will include medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), behavioral interventions, and establishing linkages…
Read MoreJCOIN Speaker Series: Cascade of Care and Practical Applications (4-16-2021)
April 16, 2021: This webinar featured presentations from key researchers that summarized the Cascade of Care framework, how it works, and how it can be applied to support individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) or those that are at risk of developing OUD, specifically in justice settings. Presentations: Tisha Wiley, PhD, Branch Chief, Associate…
Read MoreJCOIN Speaker Series: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Criminal Justice Settings (3-5-2021)
Of the 2 million individuals in prison and jail in the United States, 19 percent have regularly used opioids. Studies have found that individuals returning from incarceration to the community are at a high risk of a fatal overdose during the transition. A Washington State study found that individuals released from prison and jail were…
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