Treatment court staffs’ perceptions in support of the use of virtual services in court post-pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted traditional courthouse operations, resulting in the abrupt and extensive adoption of virtual court proceedings. To date, limited empirical research has evaluated virtual treatment courts. Utilizing a novel national survey administered to 358 treatment court team members, we examine support for and barriers to virtual courts. Tested barriers include (a) access to…

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Teleservices in Judicially Led Diversion Programs (048)

J-RIG funding supports research into teleservice practices within Judicially Led Diversion Programs (JLDPs) since the pandemic. Judicially led diversion is an umbrella term that encompasses drug courts, opioid courts, and recovery-oriented compliance dockets. While these models differ in design, they share the common features of early intervention, supervision, consistent judicial oversight, and an emphasis on…

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