Data Management
Below are resources and materials across four areas of JJ-TRIALS data management. See the Data Management tab for project management reporting and related analytic webinars. See the JJ & Provider Agency Surveys tab for materials needed to execute national and staff surveys, including recorded sessions. See the Data Collection, Instruments, & Fidelity tab for tools and practices related to survey training, monthly site check-ins, and fidelity monitoring and assessment. See the Transition & Closeout Procedures tab for executing site feedback report (SFR) interviews and assessments.
Resource/Download | Items | Description | Lead(s) | File Type |
Timeline Compliance Report | Timeline Compliance Template | Monthly tracking log completed and submitted by each research center throughout the implementation of the study protocol. Established target dates for each study component by site based on various key trigger dates. Used to track completion dates for activities as well as counts of trainees for certain components. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | xls file |
Project Management Report | Management Report Template | Report used to summarize aggregated data from monthly timeline compliance files. Used for monthly tracking of progress and timing for completing each intervention component. Reported by county, research center, wave of intervention roll out (3 waves), research assignment (experiment vs. control group), and overall. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | xls file |
Analytic Webinar on Qualitative Data | Qualitative Data Analytic Webinar Recording & Slides | Webinar recording and slides discussing what to know before using qualitative data. Includes a description of the data and resources available to assist with analyses. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | zip (mp4 + pdf files) |
Analytic Webinar on Monthly Site Check-in | MSC Data Analytic Webinar Recording & Slides | Webinar recording and slides discussing what to know before using data from any Monthly Site Check-in data sources. Includes the type of information captured, nuances to be aware of, and resources available to assist with analyses. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | zip (mp4 + pdf files) |
Analytic Webinar on Fidelity Monitoring and Assessment | Fidelity Data Analytic Webinar Recording & Slides | Webinar recording and slides discussing what to know before using data from any of the fidelity monitoring datasets. Includes the type of information captured and resources available to assist with analyses. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | zip (mp4 + pdf files) |
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Resource/Download | Items | Description | Lead(s) | File Type |
Analytic Webinar on National Survey Excerpt Data | National Survey Excerpts Analytic Webinar Recording & Slides | Webinar recording and slides discussing what to know before using the JJ and Provider Agency Survey data. Includes type of information captured by the survey and resources available to assist with analyses. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | zip (mp4 + pdf files) |
Analytic Webinars on Staff Surveys | Staff Survey Analytic Webinars 1-3 Recordings & Slides | Webinar recording and slides for Staff Survey Webinar 1 (Organizational Functioning, Cascade) and Webinar 2 (Inter-Organizational Relationships). Webinar slides for Webinar 3 (Substance Use Services, HIV/STI and Substance Use Prevention, Decision Making, and Improving Leadership and Practice). | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | zip (mp4 + ppt files) |
Analysis Recommendations for Clustering Staff Survey Data | Analysis Recommendations for Clustering Staff Survey Data | Guidance on recommended analytic techniques to account for the nested nature of JJ-TRIALS staff surveys. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | doc |
BH Cascade and SS Crosswalk | BH Cascade and SS Crosswalk | Staff survey items are mapped with the Behavioral Health Services Cascade. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | |
Scales Summary Reliability Report | Scales Summary Reliability Report | Summary of initial analysis of each staff survey scale, completed after collection of first wave of administration (Time 1) to determine scale statistics. Includes summary of each scale, survey items, summary statistics, and source notes for scale origin. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith |
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Resource/Download | Items | Description | Lead(s) | File Type |
Record Abstraction Key | Record Abstraction Key | Contains full specifications for each data element that the research centers constructed from their local records systems. Common specifications were created in cooperation with all research centers with the goal of each set of local data being recoded and formatted to fit this common specification. | Michael Dennis, Corey Smith | |
National Survey Excerpts (Waves 1 & 2) | National Survey Excerpts: Community Supervision (Waves 1 & 2) and Service Provider (Waves 1 & 2) | National Survey Excerpts for Community Supervision (Waves 1 & 2) and Service Provider (Waves 1 & 2). | Larkin McReynolds | zip (pdf files) |
National Survey Excerpt Training | National Survey Excerpt Training Recording, Slides & Agenda | Recording and slides discussing the administration protocol used in the National Surveys that can be adapted for JJ and Provider Agency Surveys (National Survey excerpts). Includes sample agenda for training survey coaches who will facilitate data collection. | Larkin McReynolds | zip (pdf + mp4 files) |
National Survey Excerpt Orientation Call Worksheets | National Survey Excerpt Orientation Call Worksheets (Community Supervision & Service Provider) | Worksheet used on calls with (a) community supervision and (b) service provider survey respondents to improve completeness and validity of returned surveys. | Larkin McReynolds | zip (pdf files) |
Staff Surveys | (a) Staff Survey Scoring Guide; Staff Surveys: (b) Behavioral Health Other, (c) Behavioral Health Leadership, (d) Juvenile Justice Other, (e) Juvenile Justice Leadership, (f) Juvenile Justice Other 2 Providers, (g) Juvenile Justice Leadership 2 Providers | Scoring guide developed to help interpret aggregate staff survey data. Behavioral health and juvenile justice versions of the staff survey to gauge attitudes and behaviors in (a) youth supervision, counseling, or case management roles and (b) administrator, supervisory, or management roles. Also includes provider versions to rate inter-organizational relationships, designed for JJ agencies working with more than one BH provider. | Danica Knight | zip (pdf files) |
Implementation Action Plan Template | Implementation Action Plan Template | Assists sites in documenting multiple steps toward one goal, including person responsible, due date, and comments for each step. | Jenny Becan, Alexis Nager | excel |
Monthly Site Check-in (MSC) Implementation Log | Monthly Implementation Log Template, Example & Scoring Guide | Assists sites in documenting elements of implementation action plan and Plan‐Do‐Study‐Act (PDSA) cycle, including dates of first occurrences and updates on each step. Includes completed example and scoring guide. | Jenny Becan, Alexis Nager | zip |
Monthly Site Report of Tools Used | Monthly Site Report of Tools Used | List of all JJ-TRIALS resources available to sites (goal selection support materials, data driven decision making materials, behavioral health resources, and implementation tools). Sites select each tool used over the past 30 days and indicate level of usefulness. | Jenny Becan, Alexis Nager | doc |
MSC Preparation and Fidelity Checklists | Preparation and Fidelity Checklists (Orientation & Monthly Implementation Calls) | Completed by research center representative after each orientation/monthly implementation call and entered into Qualtrics. | Jenny Becan, Alexis Nager | combined pdf |
Site Liaison Guide for MSC | Site Liaison Guide for Monthly Implementation Log and Call | Site resource including questions that will be asked by the research center each month about implementation activities that have occurred over the last 30 days. | Jenny Becan, Alexis Nager | |
Site Orientation Slides for MSC | Site Orientation for Implementation Log and Call | Presentation slides used to orient sites and site liaison to the monthly implementation call and log. | Jenny Becan, Alexis Nager | |
Research Center Materials for MSC | RC Instructions, Script & Scoring Guide for Monthly Implementation Log and Call | Research center instructions, script, and scoring guide for conducting monthly implementation monitoring calls. | Jenny Becan, Alexis Nager | zip (pdf files) |
Fidelity Monitoring & Assessment | FFI Forms: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1 Month), 5 (6 Month), 5 (12 Month) | Facilitation (implementation coaching) of the local change team was a key component of the Enhanced intervention. FFI 1-4 Forms are completed by the facilitator. Form 1 includes a facilitator readiness checklist; Form 2 identifies key characteristics of local change teams and roles; Forms 3 & 4 prompt meeting reflections. FFI 5 Forms are completed by change team members to evaluate delivery at 1, 6, and 12 months into the facilitation cycle. | John Bartkowski, Larkin McReynolds, Traci Rieckmann | zip (pdf files) |
Pre-Implementation Cost Tracking Worksheet | Pre-Implementation Cost Tracking Worksheet | The Pre-Implementation Cost Tracking Worksheet (PICTW) was developed to collect information on the costs of staff time and other resources incurred during the Core Support (Baseline) phase, before sites were randomized to the Core and Enhanced study conditions. The PICTW was pilot tested in two of the Research Centers during Wave 1 and was then administered to all Wave 3 sites (representing 12 justice agencies and their behavioral health partners). | Diana Bowser, Kathryn McCollister |
File Type:
File Type | Resource/Download | Items | Description |
Time 2 Needs Assessment Protocol | Time 2 Needs Assessment Protocol | Document outlining how to complete the Needs Assessment at Time 2. The goal is to get a snapshot of the work done around key components in the behavioral health cascade through a group interview. | |
SFR Interview 3 FINAL | SFR Interview 3 FINAL | Document providing the questions for the final SFR interview. The goal is to capture qualitative data on site-level process improvements over the course of the project. | |
ppt | SFR2 Cooperative Template with Fictitious Data | SFR2 Cooperative Template with Fictitious Data | Example of the second SFR. Includes templates and example charts using fictitious data. Highlights places for customization based on information from site. |
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