JCOIN Post-Doc Position Available

The University of Kentucky was awarded one of the NIH-funded Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) Clinical Research Center grants with the overall aim of increasing access to medications to treatment opioid use disorder (MOUD) among justice involved women with a history of opioid use disorder (OUD) following jail release. The project is a type 1 hybrid effectiveness and implementation trial to examine an innovative telehealth pre-treatment model (alone and in combination with peer navigators) for justice-involved women in transition from jail to the community in 9 sites (6 experimental and 3 comparison, Services as Usual [SAU] sites). The study also includes a focus on social networks that enhance treatment and recovery support following release from jail, as well as scientific aims focused on study implementation and intervention cost-analysis.

The Kentucky JCOIN hub will support two postdoctoral fellowships (salary and benefits). Fellowship recipients will be expected to develop their own manuscripts and presentations while also contributing to the larger research program focused on justice-involved women under the mentorship of one or more JCOIN faculty. Fellows will also be expected to actively participate in departmental and professional research related activities. Preference will be given to applicants with a research focus on women, substance use disorders, social networks, and/or implementation science. In addition, a series of research career development activities and trainings, including grant writing, will be available which are designated to enhance the fellow’s competitiveness for a future faculty position.

Applicants must be eligible to compete for federally-funded postdoctoral grants. This includes the eligibility requirement that, by the time of award, the individual must be a citizen or a noncitizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence. They also must have completed the doctoral degree within the past two years, or longer with justification, or will complete the doctoral degree before the date of appointment.


Selection criteria include:

  • Evidence of scholarship with competitive potential for a tenure-track faculty appointment at a research university
  • Fit between the research interests of the candidate and the chosen JCOIN mentor(s)
  • Strong support from mentor(s) and references

The application dossier should contain the following documents in the order listed, saved as a single PDF, and emailed to Dr. Michele Staton ([email protected]).

  • Cover letter (1-2 pages) that addresses how participation in this postdoctoral fellowship will advance the research career of the candidate, as well as his/her contribution to the empirical research on women, substance use disorders, social networks, and/or implementation science.
  • A brief training plan (1-2 pages) that covers areas of interest for training and professional development, long and short term career goals, areas of targeted areas for mentorship, and if applicable, proposed mentor.
  • Curriculum Vitae

In addition to the application dossier, interest applicants should also request a minimum of two reference letters (including at least one from the primary mentor) emailed confidentially to Dr. Michele Staton at [email protected].

Applications will be reviewed as they are received and until the positions are filled.