JCOIN Quick Lesson | Tips for Better Charts and Graphs

Welcome to the "Quick Tips for Better Charts and Graphs" Short Learning Module (SLM)!

This video is the first in a series of short data visualization tutorials. In it, we will discuss five quick tips for designing charts and graphs to better convey your data -- including topics such as decluttering, labeling, and more.

We hope the information in this SLM is helpful! If you have any questions, please email JCOIN librarian, Becky Baltich Nelson at [email protected].

A closeup of a woman with short blonde hair smiling at the camera. She is wearing glasses and a green shirt over a black top and is standing in front of a bookcase.

Sally Gore

Research and Scholarly Communications Librarian, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Certificate of Completion: No

Est. Time to Complete: 0.1 Hours

Difficulty Level: Beginner/Basic