LEAP Learner | Mixed Methods
Welcome to Mixed Methods!
In this course, you’ll learn about mixed methods research. Topics include: using a conceptual framework, constructs, and variables to design a mixed methods study; differences between quantitative and qualitative research; types of mixed methods study designs; and how to collect data for a mixed methods study and present results.
About Elizabeth Evans
I am a professor of public health. I research how health care systems and public policies can better promote health and wellness among vulnerable and underserved populations, particularly for individuals at risk for opioid and other substance use disorders. My current research focuses on how the criminal justice system can impact health outcomes.
Course Materials
Mixed Methods Participant Guide
The Drug Abuse Screen Test (DAST)
Course References
- Aneshensel CS. 2012. Theory-Based Data Analysis for the Social Sciences, Second Edition, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Creswell JW & Creswell JD. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 2018.
- Creswell JW, Klassen AC, Plano Clark VL, Clegg Smith K. 2011. Best practices for mixed methods research in the health sciences. Rep., Off. Behav. Soc. Sci. Res., Natl. Inst. Health, Bethesda, MD.
- Evans E, Anglin MD, Urada D, Yang J. Promising practices for delivery of court-supervised substance abuse treatment: perspectives from six high-performing California counties operating Proposition 36. Eval Program Plann. 2011 May;34(2):124-34.
- Evans EA, Harrington C, Roose R, Lemere S, Buchanan D. Perceived Benefits and Harms of Involuntary Civil Commitment for Opioid Use Disorder. J Law Med Ethics. 2020 Dec;48(4):718-734. doi: 10.1177/1073110520979382. PubMed PMID: 33404337.
- Evans, E., Herman, P., Washington, D., Lorez, K.A., Yuan, A., Upchurch, D.M., Marshall, N., Hamilton, A.B., & Taylor, S.L. (2018). Gender differences in use of complementary and integrative health by U.S. military veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Women’s Health Issues. 28(5):379-386. PMCID: 6699154.
- Evans E, Li L, Min J, Huang D, Urada D, Liu L, Hser YI, Nosyk B. Mortality among individuals accessing pharmacological treatment for opioid dependence in California, 2006-10. Addiction. 2015 Jun;110(6):996-1005. doi: 10.1111/add.12863. Epub 2015 Mar 15. PMID: 25644938; PMCID: PMC4452110.
- Evans, E., Stopka, TJ, Pivovarova, E, Murphy, SM, Taxman, FS, Ferguson, WJ, Bernson, D, Santelices, C, McCollister, KE, Hoskinson, R, Lincoln, T, Friedmann, PD. (2021). Massachusetts Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (Mass JCOIN). Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. In press.
- Hser, Y.I., Li, J., Jiang, H., Zhang, R., Du, J., Zhang, C., Zhang, B., Evans, E., Wu, F., Chang, Y.J., Peng, C., Huang, D., Stitzer, M.L., Roll, J., & Zhao, M. (2011). Effects of a randomized contingency management intervention on opiate abstinence and retention in methadone maintenance treatment in China. Addiction, 106(10): 1801-1809. PMCID: 3174353.
- Morse JM, Niehaus L, Wolfe RR, Wilkins S. 2006. The role of the theoretical drive in maintaining validity in mixed-method research, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3:4, 279-291
- Mackinnon DP. Integrating Mediators and Moderators in Research Design. Res Soc Work Pract. 2011 Nov;21(6):675-681. doi: 10.1177/1049731511414148.
- Palinkas LA, Mendon SJ, Hamilton AB. Innovations in Mixed Methods Evaluations. Annu Rev Public Health. 2019 Apr 1;40:423-442.
- Wang T. Human insights missing from big data. TedTalk. https://www.ted.com/talks/tricia_wang_the_human_insights_missing_from_big_data/up-next?language=en
- Wisdom J, Creswell JW. Mixed Methods: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis While Studying Patient-Centered Medical Home Models. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. February 2013. AHRQ Publication No. 13-0028-EF.