JCOIN Quick Lesson | Literature Searching Tips: PubMed and Accessing Full Text

Welcome to the “Literature Searching Tips: PubMed and Accessing Full Text” Short Learning Module (SLM)!

This first video in a series on literature searches will cover open access and evaluation of sources, building a search string, conducting the search in PubMed, and finding full text.  

We hope the information in this SLM is helpful! 

Watch the video

Supplementary Materials: 

  1. Source Evaluation Scorecard using the CRAAP test: This document explains the CRAAP Test, as well as provides a Source Evaluation Scorecard that you can apply to the research you find.
  2. Tips for Using PubMed Fact Sheet: This two-page handout provides PubMed tips, including how to get the full article text and where to find more help.
  3. How do I search PubMed: This webpage breaks down how to search PubMed in more detail.