Study Explores Therapeutic Communities and Differences in Social Support

Findings from JCOIN’s University of Kentucky Research Center and Methodology and Advanced Analytics Resource Center (MAARC) The number of women with a substance use disorder (SUD) has grown exponentially in recent years. Rebuilding social support networks that were strained due to an individual’s active addiction is a significant protective factor for women in recovery. Support…

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Multi-Level Intervention to Reduce Stigma of SUD and CL Involvement

Stigma related to substance use and criminal-legal (CL) involvement hinders an individual’s access to evidence-based addiction treatment. Stigma manifests at the structural, social, and personal levels and requires multi-level interventions to address it effectively. In a study published in Health and Justice, researchers conducted a non-randomized effectiveness trial of a multi-level stigma intervention called Combatting…

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JCOIN Launches Xylazine 101 Video Explainer

Xylazine is a non-opioid sedative not approved for human use that is increasingly found as an adulterant in the illicit drug supply and is contributing to record levels of overdose deaths. The Xylazine 101 video explainer discusses the prevalence and toxicology of xylazine, major concerns, and overdose response strategies. Experts share concrete strategies and resources…

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Recommendations to Improve the Service Quality in Veteran Treatment Courts

Findings from JCOIN’s Coordination and Translation Center (CTC)   A recent study published in the journal Victims & Offenders explores the inner workings of Veterans Treatment Courts and the unique treatment needs of justice-involved veterans. Veterans Treatment Courts (VTCs) have emerged as a mechanism for addressing the unique needs of veterans who find themselves entangled…

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HHS Authorizes Health Care Coverage for Individuals Transitioning out of Incarceration for Five Additional States

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved Illinois, Kentucky, Oregon, Utah, and Vermont to provide healthcare coverage for justice involved-individuals before their release from incarceration, which will improve continuity of care. This latest round of state approvals is part of Medicaid Reentry Section 1115 Demonstration Opportunity, which allows a state to cover…

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Strategies for Providing Effective Integrated Care to Assist Patients with or at Risk of Both HIV and SUD

Findings from JCOIN’s Yale HIV Research Center The intersection of substance use disorders (SUD) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) presents a complex public health challenge, as behaviors associated with substance use, such as sharing drug injection equipment (syringes) and engaging in risky sexual behaviors, significantly increase the risk of HIV incidents and complicate its management.…

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Barriers and Facilitators within Opioid Intervention Courts that Impact Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Findings from JCOIN’s New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI)/Columbia University Clinical Research Center   To address the high rates of opioid use disorder (OUD) and overdose among individuals involved in the court system, New York developed the Opioid Intervention Court (OIC), a novel pre-plea court model that specifically addresses OUD by providing rapid screening and…

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