Posts Tagged ‘041’
Cascade of care for substance use and mental health disorders for justice-involved populations
This study identifies typologies that explain the proportion of new jail intakes that pass through each level of the cascade of care for SUD and mental health disorders. These typologies can assist agencies in assessing client needs, service delivery, and areas for improvement.
Read MoreThe association between attitudes and the provision of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) in United States jails
MOUD is prevalent among individuals who are incarcerated, yet medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) are not widely available in US jails and prisons. Negative staff attitudes across the criminal legal system may prevent MOUD from being provided. We sought to determine if staff attitudes are associated with the provision of MOUD in prisons or…
Read MoreCascade of Care in the Legal System: Best Practices and Goals for Agencies Providing Care to Patients Concurrently Navigating Substance Use Disorders and Criminal Legal Involvement
Fewer than 1% of United States’ largest corrections facilities allow access to MOUD. The cascade of care is an organizing framework that quantifies treatment processes within and across systems of care ranging from screening to treatment discharge. This study highlights best practices for the implementation of MOUD across the cascade of care, addressing unique characteristics…
Read MoreFostering MOUD use in justice populations: Assessing the comparative effectiveness of two favored implementation strategies to increase MOUD use
NIATx vs ECHO as Comparative Implementation Strategies (041)
This trial will test two timely, successful evidence-based implementation practices, NIATx Coaching and Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO), to increase the use of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) with justice-involved populations. NIATx Coaches provide expertise in MOUD implementation and organizational change to help treatment organizations and staff start, sustain, and spread the use…
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